
International Conference "Coexisting with Foreigners in an Era of Mass Migration; opportunities and challenges for Europe and Japan"

Are nation states with strong ethnic identities capable of integrating large numbers of people of diverse cultures, many of whom may wish to stay and form new ethnic minority communities? Of all host nations, Japan, with a less than two percent ratio of foreign residents in its population, comes to the era of diversity with the least prior preparation. At the international conference, the above theme will be discussed with a view to encouraging students to confront social issues likely to have an impact on their futures.

Date: February 21, 2019   10:30~17:15

Place: International Conference Room (Bldg. 3, 5th Floor, Kioicho Campus, Josai International University, Tokyo)

Languages: English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation provided

Organized by the Josai Institute for Central European Studies

With the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Japan


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