
209 results:
09.06.2021 | Publication, News | Publication, News
Japanese translation of "Trade Unions in Transformation 4.0"
«Trade Unions in Transformation 4.0» is a FES-initiated project that aims to understand workers’ agency in digital capitalism. This project examines how trade unions and new organizations of workers…  
27.05.2021 | Publication, News | Publication, News
„Höher, weiter, dreister“
Die Olympischen Spiele in Tokyo sollen stattfinden – daran hält die japanische Regierung unbeirrt fest. Doch Fehler und Versagen säumen ihren Weg seit Beginn der Pandemie.  
25.05.2021 | News, Event | News, Event
Panel Discussion “Gender (In-)Equality in Japan and Germany”
Gender equality is a human right, but Japan and Germany are still facing a gap when it comes to opportunities for women and men. Equal pay remains a challenging issue, and many women still find it…  
24.02.2021 | News, Event | News, Event
Online-Symposium "Aktuelle außen- und sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen für Japan und Deutschland"
Japan und Deutschland stehen außen- und sicherheitspolitisch vor ähnlichen Herausforderungen. Rolf Mützenich, Vorsitzender der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion im Deutschen Bundestag, und Tetsuro Fukuyama,…  
22.02.2021 | Publication, News | Publication, News
"Japans außenpolitische Lage nach den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen"
Für Japan sind die Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA stets von besonderer Bedeutung, denn für das ostasiatische Land ist das japanisch-amerikanische Verteidigungsbündnis die zentrale Achse seiner…  
16.02.2021 | Publication, News | Publication, News
"Traumziel Herdenimmunität"
Welche Strategie hat Japan? Langwierige Zulassungsprozesse und eine skeptische Bevölkerung erschweren den Impfstart.  
12.02.2021 | News, Event | News, Event
Virtual Global Conference for a Nuclear Free, Renewable Energy Future: Ten Years Since Fukushima
Ten years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. In the meantime, many countries around the world have learned their lessons from the…  
05.02.2021 | News, Event | News, Event
Virtual Conference „Overcoming the Exotic: Central Europeans and Japanese Studying each other’s Languages and Cultures“
After the Cold War, Central Europeans took an increasing interest in Japanese culture, and student exchanges in both directions expanded. This conference aims to evaluate where Japan and the…  
02.12.2020 | News, Event | News, Event
Virtual Symposium „Nuclear Disarmament, Arms Control, and Non-Proliferation. German and Japanese Perspectives ahead of the NPT Review Conference“
Nuclear weapons still pose an imminent threat to mankind, and, as some experts have argued, may enter a renaissance. Ahead of the next Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 2021,…  
25.11.2020 | News, Event | News, Event
Panel Discussion „Media freedom, populism and democratic resilience“
The Digital Age has brought new opportunities for civic expression and participation. However, Social Media also facilitates the spread of manipulative content such as propaganda, hate speech and…  
Search results 51 until 60 of 209