
Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World 2012

The nuclear disaster of Fukushima has shown that nuclear energy is not a feasible option to secure Japan's energy supply in the future. Experts and decision-makers from Japan and Germany discuss options for future-oriented energy policies.

To propose action plans: We gather and discuss ideas from scholars around the globe, in order to propose a plan of action that can be carried out by Japan and other countries all over the world.

Date: Saturday + Sunday, 14-15 January, 2012
Place: Pacifico Yokohama

Organized by:
Peace Boat, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies, Green Action, Citizen’s Nuclear Information Center, NGO FoE Japan, Greenpeace Japan

Japan Office

7-5-56 Akasaka
Tokyo, 107-0052

+81 (0)3 6277-7551
+81 (0)3 3588-6035
