
International Symposium "The 70th Annversary of the End of World War II in Europe"

2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe and in Asia. While the process of European post-WWII reconciliation is regarded as a successful case, progress has been thorny at times and challenges remain.

2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe and in Asia. While the process of European post-WWII reconciliation is regarded as a successful case, progress has been thorny at times and challenges remain. To commemorate the reconciliation process in modern Europe after World War II, the Embassies of the UK, Poland, France, the Netherlands and Germany hold an event to explore questions, challenges and successful strategies of cooperation between European states, including under the framework of the European Union.

Time: June 18th, 2015  13:00 - 18:00
Place: Waseda University, Ono Hall

French Embassy in Tokyo
German Embassy in Tokyo
Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo
Polish Embassy in Tokyo
British Embassy in Tokyo

Waseda University
(International Office, EUIJ Waseda, Organization for Regional and Inter-regional Studies (ORIS))

Sponsored by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)


Japan Office

7-5-56 Akasaka
Tokyo, 107-0052

+03 6277-7551
+03 3588-6035
