
Workshop: "Communication within the Health Care System"

The aim of this workshop was to examine the communication in the health care system from different vantage points and in doing so to allow the exchange of knowledge between academics and practitioners. Emphasis was put on the communication in the elder care with reference to Japan’s rapidly ageing population.

The aim of this workshop is to examine the communication in the health care system from different vantage points and in doing so to allow the exchange of knowledge between academics and practitioners. In this workshop emphasis will be put on the communication in the elder care with reference to Japan’s rapidly ageing population.

Date: Saturday, 25 April 2009, 09:45 - 21:00
Place: German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Jochi Kioizaka Bldg. 2F, 7-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, 102-0094 Tokyo
Language: Simultaneous interpretation in English and Japanese

Organized by:
German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ)
Institute for Japanese Language

Supported by:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)

Japan Office

7-5-56 Akasaka
Tokyo, 107-0052

+81 (0)3 6277-7551
+81 (0)3 3588-6035
