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212 results:
| Publication | Publication
"Japan's Quest for a Permanent Seat on the United Nations Security Council Japan 2012"
In the United Nations, particularly with respect to UN Security Council reform, Japan is often considered of major importance. However, the UN receives scant attention in Japanese foreign policy.…  
| Publication | Publication
Japanese translation of "Germany in and with and for Europe"
Speech by former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt on European integration, held at the SPD party convention in Berlin, 2011.  
| Event | Event
International Symposium "Energy Policy in Japan: Before and After Fukushima"
This international conference examines Japan's energy policy from a comparative perspective. We seek to understand the political and economic forces that brought the current energy policy into being,…  
| Publication | Publication
"The end of nuclear energy? International perspectives after Fukushima"
The nuclear disaster in Fukushima is an opportunity to organise energy supply more sustainably globally. Such re-organisation must balance the goals of energy security, economic viability, ecological…  
| Event | Event
International Symposium "Media Reporting and Risk Management After the March 11 Disaster"
The aim of this Symposium was to analyze the Japanese and international media coverage of the events after March 11, focusing on the characteristics of the coverage, evaluating its reliability and…  
| Event | Event
International Workshop "Multilateral Dialogue on History Education and Textbooks – East Asia, Europe and the Middle East"
School textbooks are central media of construction for national and cultural identities. They transport official normative structures into all areas of society and, through their adherence to state…  
| Event | Event
International Workshop "Well-being in Ritual Practice: Social Interaction, Communication, Self-Improvement?"
The aim of the workshop is to discuss a wide range of ritual practices including seasonal festivities, ancestor veneration activities, praying for good luck and similar events as dynamic arenas where…  
| Publication | Publication
Japanese translation of "Scenarios for Phasing Out Nuclear Energy in Germany"
The exit from nuclear energy planned by the German government presents a number of opportunities and challenges. This study shows that consumer electricity prices and economic competitiveness are…  
| Event | Event
Round-table: Challenges of Energy Policy in Japan
The Fukushima nuclear incident in 2011 rendered the current Japanese energy policy obsolete. In search of a new guideline for the future, the German example is frequently spotlighted and taken into…  
| Publication | Publication
The Resignation of the Kan government and the future of nuclear power in Japan
On the 26th August 2011, Prime Minister Naoto Kan resigned as the chairman of the DPJ and as head of government. This paper analyses challenges that the administration was facing like the…  
Search results 171 until 180 of 212