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211 results:
| Event | Event
Community Power Conference 2014 in Fukushima
The conference aims to create a unified forum for those people working on community based renewable energy projects and to accelerate further development through discussion and knowledge exchange.  
| Publication | Publication
"Geschichte der Sozialdemokratie in Japan" (History of Social Democracy in Japan)
In the course of the development of political ideologies in modern Japan, Social Democracy has been subject to many changesof minor relevance. What is understood by the concept has been subject to…  
| Event | Event
International Symposium "The Popularity of Nations: How and Why Governments Seek Public Approval Abroad"
This symposium will explore the importance of a positive international public image of nations today, as well as strategies for shaping such images. Participants from Japan, Germany, the United…  
| Event | Event
Symposium and Workshop: "Building the Good Society: The Challenge for Europe and Japan"
Social democratic parties in Europe have developed under the concept of the ‘Good Society’ a new social democratic narrative that takes a thorough value-driven analysis of our current economic and…  
| Publication | Publication
"Abenomics and Japan’s Growth Prospects"
Until 2012, Japan had suffered two decades of economic stagnation and deflation. Particularly frustrating to businesses was the rampant appreciation of the yen, which accelerated despite such poor…  
| Event | Event
EPRIE "Exchange Program for Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe"
Experts from security policy explain the approaches to a comprehensive security policy in East Asia, the role played by the United States as well as possibilities for an increased EU involvement.  
| Event | Event
International Conference: Building a New Paradigm on Energy
The conference aims to supplement and consolidate the outcomes of two previous conferences conducted by the Network of Social Democracy in Asia (SOCDEM Asia) which focused along the lines of…  
| Event | Event
Symposium: The Perception of China and Foreign Policy Options for Germany and Japan
In this symposium, the background to the different perceptions of China in Japan and Germany as well as, for example, the USA will be analysed and it will be discussed whether China should have a…  
| Event | Event
International Symposium "Energy Shift in Japan and Germany: Challenges, Opportunities, and Potential for German-Japanese Cooperation"
The symposium aims at expanding the dialogue and exchange regarding the process of phasing out nuclear power and the shift towards renewable energies in Germany and Japan.  
| Event | Event
International Symposium "Which Future for Manufacturing Industries in Japan, Korea, Germany and France?"
Deindustrialization has become a major concern for most of the OECD countries. The purpose of this symposium is to gather academic people, business people and policy makers in order to discuss the…  
Search results 141 until 150 of 211